ASOM Reopening Update
We are excited to share with you the reopening plans for the U.S. Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 15, the ASOM will be open from 10 AM until 4:30 PM, Tuesday through Friday. The ASOM will not be open on weekends until after the New Year.
There are a few things to keep in mind when planning your visit.
- Attendance is limited to 150 guests at one time. You may need to wait outside on busy day if we are at capacity. Please adhere to the social distancing guidelines on the signage and along the sidewalks.
- All visitors five years of age and older must wear a mask to enter the Museum, visit the gallery or gift shop. Visitors are encouraged to use hand sanitizer stations located throughout the building.
- Water fountains are closed, but visitors may bring one clear container of water. Food is not permitted.
- Reserving a 90-minute spot for an ASOM visit is easy – click here.
- Upon arrival, all visitors should scan the QR code at the Museum entrance to complete guest registration.
- The Gift Shop is limited to five visitors at a time and only debit and credit cards will be accepted for payment.
- Donations to support Museum operations should be made online, or during check-out in the Gift Shop.
ASOM staff and volunteers will ensure that all visitors adhere to safety protocols during their visit.