Interesting Facts About the ASOM
Whether you’ve toured the U.S. Army Airborne and Special Operations Museum hundreds of times, or have never visited at all- we’re confident that some of these facts may surprise you! Continue reading to learn more about the ASOM.
1: Significant Opening Date
The ASOM opened its doors to the public on August 16, 2000, the 60th anniversary of the original Test Platoon’s first parachute jump.

2: Architecture Design
Before being built over twenty years ago, the ASOM’s building design was carefully thought through.
Designed by Wiston-Salem native Michael West, the exposed steel rafters are shaped to symbolize the wingspan of a C-47 aircraft, as well as the towers from which fledging paratroopers make their first jumps.

3: Home to a Very Historical Tree
The Liberty Tree that stands in the far corner of the Museum’s garden has a very special history.
On June 20, 1775, fifty-five local patriots formed the “Liberty Point Resolves”, and signed a document pledging their lives and fortunes to the Continental Congress to support them against the tyranny of King George.
After their declaration, it is said that the signed resolution was tacked to the Liberty Tree. This occurred thirteen months prior to the Declaration of Independence.

4: The ASOM Was Designed Around These Two Artifacts
Due to the size of the M551 Sheridan Tank and the C-47 “Skytrain”, the ASOM was actually built around the artifacts.

5: Lobby Display
The lobby area of the ASOM features two fully deployed parachutes. One is a WWII era T-5 round chute (foreground) and the other is a modern MC-4 square chute (background).
The round parachute represents the origins of Airborne units, and the integration of Airborne forces into conventional warfare.
The square parachute represents the cutting edge of modern Special Operations forces, and the unconventional warfare they continue to engage in.
Displayed together, these parachutes symbolize the development of Airborne infiltration, and the Soldiers who work in support of one another in the combined Airborne and Special Operations community.

6: The ASOM’s Mission
The mission of the U.S. Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum is to engage, educate and inspire the public in regards to the history and legacies of Airborne & Special Operations Soldiers.

To help the ASOM achieve this, please consider giving a gift today.